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Selectmen's Minutes April 29, 2003
Chichester Board of Selectmen
April 29, 2003  

PRESENT: Chairman David Colbert, Selectman Richard DeBold, Selectman Spook Arey, and Administrative Assistant Lisa Stevens.

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 7:00pm.

Master Andrew LaValley and mom Kelly were attending the meeting as part of a requirement Andrew is working on for a Boy Scout Badge.

SUBJECT: Highway Department    

PRESENT: Road Agent, Jeff Jordan & Peter Julia, Vollmer Associates

Mr. Julia submitted an updated “Roll Plan” for the Hutchinson Road Project. Additional notes were added identifying areas of concern as to culverts replacement, tree removal, ledge and road width.  Some wet areas were identified and the roadway width was delineated.  Peter discussed the points he and Jeff went over during his site walk with Mr. Jordan. Jeff has already spoken to an abutter regarding tree removal and Concord Electric has been notified regarding pole relocations.  Mr. Julia feels confident that the highway department can complete the project without further assistance from Vollmer Associates.  Mr. Jordan received authority from the board to contact Mr. Julia should he deem necessary.  The selectmen agreed to go with this version of the plan and not incur anymore engineering costs at this time.  The board will hold an informational public hearing on Tuesday May 13, 2003 at 7:00pm in the Grange Hall.  Lisa will put notice of this in the paper.   

 The sanders will be pressure washed and the highway department will be renting a sweeper for one day to sweep all lots at the town buildings.   

Motion Selectman Arey and seconded by Selectman DeBold to declare Saturday May 17th, 2003 as “The First Annual Chichester Roadside Cleanup Day.  Road Agent Jordan is heading this project up along with help from resident Paul Twoomey.  Anyone wishing to adopt a road should contact either of these gentlemen.  Jeff will forward information to Lisa for the newspaper and the web page.  Kelly LaValley offered the boy scouts involvement and will also pass the information along to the girl scouts and snowmobile club.  The selectmen will each be adopting a road and encourage all residents to get involved on their own street.  The highway department will solicit donations for trash bags and be responsible for picking up the bags left on the side of the road.  

SUBJECT: Fire Department

PRESENT: Deputy Chief, Mike Paveglio  

Mike asked the board about procedure for purchasing the three defibrillators.  They will be placed at the grange building, the library and in one of the police cruisers.  The school already has one that was donated from Concord Hospital.  The fire department will train the employees on its use.  
The inspection schedule for all town buildings is being worked on.  The first inspection will be the grange building due to the fact that it is the building that gets the most use.  


The board approved and signed the minutes of April 22, 2003 as written.

The board opened bids for the Grounds keeping Maintenance. Motion by Selectman DeBold and seconded by Selectman Arey to accept the proposal from Neva Dunn Farms in Center Barnstead.  All were in favor.  Chairman Colbert signed the Neva Dunn contract.  Lisa will notify the other bidders as to the results and thank them for their interest.  

 Motion by Selectman DeBold and seconded by Selectman Arey to spend $1,200.00 for high-speed internet access for the new computer network from Warrant Article #5.  All were in favor.

Selectman DeBold updated the board on his discussion with Mike Hanscom from the Concord Wastewater Facility.  Mr. Hanscom is forwarding correspondence for the board’s review regarding an inter-municipal agreement for septage treatment with the City of Concord.  

A letter of response is needed to Ms. Rauter regarding her interest in the Conservation Commission.

The need for three Planning Board alternates and a Civil Defense Director was discussed.  Lisa has not had any response to her letters of inquiry. The board came up with additional names for her to contact.

Selectman DeBold will contact Dave Vallencourt from the Office of Emergency Management and ask him for assistance with the application for grant monies to update the town’s Emergency Plan and invite him to attend next weeks’ selectmen’s meeting to discuss the job description of an Emergency Management Director.

Mrs. LaValley told the board that the Snowmobile Club has removed the broken wooden bridge under Thunder Bridge and cleaned up around the area.  She asked for suggestions for donations of paint to cover up the graffiti on the rocks.  Chairman Colbert gave her two contacts.  

The board would like the highway department to clean up the grounds at the highway shed.  The board will talk to Jeff at the next meeting.

Cable Franchise Fees were discussed at length.  Chairman Colbert has been researching the cable contract to determine the board’s obligation and intent of how this money is to be spent and for what purpose it can be spent on.   The board did not grant any department’s request at this time.  Chairman Colbert asked Lisa to research the town reports around the time of the cable agreement, and to look for any information on the cable advisory committee.  The board will make a decision on this at next weeks meeting.  

The board has received two Discretionary Preservation Easements. Public hearings will need to be held.  The board would like input from Ms. Lewy at Avitar Associates.  They would like her to attend the public hearings.  They asked Lisa to contact Ms. Lewy and schedule if possible.   

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Being no further business, Chairman Colbert adjourned the meeting at 11:00pm.  

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens
Office Assistant
                                                                    Approved as Written
Chairman David Colbert


Richard DeBold

Harold Arey  

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